Wetiko – malignant egophrenia or collective cannibalistic psychosis


The human species is in the midst of the worst pandemic of a psycho-spiritual disease. Covid-19, and especially the handling of it, is just another expression of a madness that has afflicted the human soul individually and collectively since the beginning of time. This disease is Wetiko.

Wetiko – the mind parasite

by Thomas Jahrmarkt

The original publication was 12/2021 in No. 235 and online on Raum & Zeit.


If I describe Wetiko, I inevitably describe how and why evil comes into the world.

“FOR SEVERAL thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpox. “1

The human species is in the midst of the worst pandemic of a psycho-spiritual disease.2 Covid-19, and especially its management, is just another expression of a madness that has afflicted the human soul individually and collectively since the dawn of time.3 That disease is Wetiko.

Indigenous U.S. writer, scholar, and professor emeritus Jack D. Forbes described as early as 1979 a phenomenon that indigenous peoples increasingly observed in invading Europeans and already knew from their spirituality across tribes.4 They called it “Wétiko” in Cree (windigo in Ojibwa, wintiko in Powhatan), meaning “an evil person or spirit […] who terrorizes other living beings with horrible acts, including cannibalism. “5 The Ojibwa word for Wetiko, windigo or weendigo, appears to have been derived from “ween dagoh,” meaning “for oneself only,” or from “weenin igooh,” meaning “excess. “6 Forbes writes, “The essential characteristic of the Wétiko is that he consumes other people, i.e., he is a cannibal. “7 […] Tragically, much of the history of the world over the past 2000 years has been the history of the epidemiology of Wetiko disease. “8

According to Native American mythology, a Wetiko is a cannibalistic demon of greed and insatiable hunger that can infest humans and transform them into a predatory monster.9 It is the “cult” of aggression and violence, characterized by blood and fire sacrifice, that torments, sucks, and takes more than it needs from other living beings with unimaginable diabolical malice. It is the plague with the main symptom of sucking the life out of other creatures. All the feints and manipulation techniques that serve this purpose are among the morbid symptoms of the infection with this mental parasite10. Outgrowths of this collective infection are qualities like exploitation, egoism, arrogance and clever deception, which are not only granted by the practicing society, but even celebrated, trained and promoted as heroic.

“Like a werewolf, the Wetiko is sometimes portrayed as a shape-shifter who can even appear disguised as a good spirit. In the indigenous legends, whenever the Wetiko eats another person, it grows larger in proportion to the meal it has just eaten, so that it can never be full or satisfied. Buddhism portrays a similar figure, the hungry ghost, who, with its pinhole mouth, constricted neck, and huge, unfilled stomach, can never satisfy its insatiable cravings. At the collective level, this perverse inner process is mirrored by the insane consumer society in which we live, a culture that continually fans the flames of never-ending desires, conditioning us to always want more. “11

So what is Wetiko?

With the question we explore the deepest depths of human consciousness and try to lift and expose something that lives on camouflage and ignorance! Language seems too crude to even begin to capture this multi-faceted entity. Wetiko is a multidimensional phenomenon. Any attempt to clothe Wetiko in words reduces it to the written and allows it to escape through the non-written. The moment we think we grasp Wetiko and nail it down, it escapes mercurially12, changes shape, or hides in the caverns of the archetypal soul landscape until we are unconscious again and thus an easier prey.

So: What is Wetiko not?

Wetiko is not a new physical pathogen in the sense of a virus or bacterium. Wetiko is not unknown nor new to you, you already know it by another name or as a vague acquaintance without having explored the phenomenon in all its depth. Wetiko is not directly visible, it has no independent existence, structure or form that characterizes it. To address Wetiko as He/She or It does not befit it, our diagnostic is too small, its spectrum of action too large, it changes its shape too skillfully.

Paul Levy dispells Wetiko

To describe our present knowledge of Wetiko is not possible without a small homage to the man who has fertilized the indigenous knowledge with his personal traumatic experiences, Jungian psychology, alchemy, Buddhism and last but not least quantum physics: The U.S. writer Paul Levy, without knowledge of Forbes and Wetiko, published the book The Madness of George W. Bush13 in 2006, exploring and describing Forbes’ phenomenon in his own words. He used the name “malignant egophrenia” (“ME disease”) for the phenomenon that blossomed so in George W. Bush’s actions. Levy, on the one hand, suffered the most severe traumatizations in his relationship with his father, who was severely afflicted by this psycho-disease, and, on the other hand, also experienced a great awakening through wrestling with and overcoming this same archetypal evil. The psychiatric system, which he subsequently passed through, placed itself protectively behind the perpetrator (“victim-blaming”), who was not aware of any guilt. Levy, as the actual victim of these intra-family assaultive structures, was diagnosed as needing lifelong medication.14 He writes, “The psychiatric “care” I received was a “variation on the theme” of abuse by my father. “15 The extent of society’s contagion and the accompanying blindness and distortion of the facts is even evident in the health care system, which is hurtful or traumatizing in its ignorance of the epidemic. Levy describes himself as a wounded healer, embodying the paradoxical qualities of a Wetiko survivor. He later integrated Forbe’s descriptions in the book Dispelling Wetiko (2013). There it states, “Though we call them by different names, Forbes and I both point to the same disease of the psyche, soul, and spirit that is at the root of humanity’s inhumanity to itself. There is no way to awaken from our collective nightmare unless we first become aware of what is keeping us asleep. “16

So again, what is Wetiko?

Wetiko is primarily a non-local vampire, a hungry spirit that resides in the archetypal space of our collective psyche and infects the thinking and feeling mind. As it permeates the field of consciousness, everyone is more or less afflicted by it. Each person experiences Wetiko differently. To the extent that we overlook Wetiko within us, we spread it throughout the world. When we begin to see Wetiko as a collective phenomenon, we develop compassion for the individual who may just be acting out his bestial behavior quite unknowingly. Our individual infestation helps us understand Wetiko and immunize us. Like any vampire, Wetiko cannot withstand the light. In empowering ourselves, we buy Wetiko’s edge. Healing is based on understanding the patterns and signatures of the disease. Only through their recognition do we become aware of a state of health within ourselves. The realization of the true self is followed by a process of peeling away infected programs and skins and settling in the heart.

Archetypal figures

Aspects of Wetiko are the archetypal deceiver, the adversary, the corrupt seducer we know from our Judeo-Christian roots as the apostate angel. Wetiko, however, is more than just another term for the polar evil in contrast to the good. It benefits as well from the sorrowful tension between God and the devil, good and evil. It is the force that creates both poles in the first place.17 Thus, we also find Wetiko in the fits of anger and rage of the punitive Old Testament (good) God Yahweh.

“(I am) a part of that power / Which always wills evil and always creates good. “18

In the Apocrypha, Wetiko is referred to as “the adversary spirit “19 (“antimimon pneuma”), to which C.G. Jung also refers, calling it a “totalitarian psychosis “20. Our medicine has reduced it to the imbalance of the neurotransmitters and knows it only in its slimmed down form as neurosis, psychosis or psychotic schizophrenia.

In spirituality Wetiko is the threshold guardian who meets the hero at the threshold of freedom and tries to destroy him in the “dark night of the soul”. There it can appear simultaneously disguised as a false savior or as a good god and cleverly deceive the hero again.

Chameleon or shapeshifter

As a quick-change artist, Wetiko adapts like a chameleon to the host’s individual level of delusion. Thus it also appears as an “ascended master”, “angel” or “loving god”. The underlying patterns, the energetic signature, the “smell” remain the same. We gain access to the essence behind the figure by deciphering its camouflage. We learn to see with the heart instead of trusting the appearance. Under its new indigenous name, we now have extensive descriptions of its characteristics and agenda, so we are armed to face it. We already know how powerful capturing the entire energetic signature of a being is from the fairy tale, “How fortunate that no one knows that my name is Rumpelstiltskin = Wetiko.21”

The soul as a battlefield?

Wetiko has no independent existence in our world. It needs our soul as a stage, the mind as a host for its thought forms, and our body as an executing agency. As in any warfare, so in the battle for the soul, division is a popular strategy for conquest. Traumatic experiences shatter the psyche as the guardian of the soul’s energy field, making it divisible and capturable.

In the belief system, traumatic experiences often leave a disastrous fragmentation of thoughts and doubts about one’s worth, ability, and even being. Everywhere Wetiko has its foot in the door, and it widens the rift. As a hyperdimensional being with access to mental fields, it has accompanied us since the beginning and knows us and our thinking better than we know ourselves. As a cannibalistic hunter, Wetiko is a master of energetic perception, can smell blood and knows exactly where to get something. Wounded people are an easy prey. A mostly traumatized society, which produces perpetrators and victims, originates from its agenda!

If we don’t do any profound healing work, the portal and gained territory will be secured and expanded by Wetiko. On neuronal terrain, the mind parasite continues to work on the maltreated wounded spots and promotes even self-sabotaging beliefs. Its goal is to completely implant itself in us, to make us its puppet without us even noticing. It glamours us, entangles us in its affairs and taps our energy body at potential portals. If we become soft and open the door, it infiltrates and hijacks us. If it discovers badly secured terrain, it attacks and annexes. What we don’t take, it takes! It uses the sleaziest tricks of a huckster to get into our pantry. It makes itself so familiar that we no longer recognize it as foreign. It pretends to be a friend and an innocent advisor, finally as “I”. In this way, it steals its existence by undermining ours. It propagates the illusion that we are a separate self detached from the universe and that our fear is consequently justified. As a result, we invest in the illusion and fatten the parasite with our life force. The closer Wetiko comes to us, the greater its risk of being exposed. If it flies open, we wake up from the trance, set boundaries, close the portal and reintegrate the parts occupied by Wetiko. Wetiko slinks away and waits for its magic to work better again or gives up: “The moment we recognize the pervasive, non-local nature of Wetiko and the way it works through the blind spots in our consciousness, we have begun to heal our psychic blindness and dispel the curse of Wetiko. “22

Wetiko as a quantum phenomenon

To heal from Wetiko, we need to understand its peculiar nature. It shows typical characteristics of a quantum phenomenon. Similar to wave-particle dualism (“wavicle”), it explodes the Aristotelian logic of either-or when trying to understand it. It is a part of us and yet foreign. It exists and at the same time does not (really) exist. It is the primordial evil and at the same time offers the greatest potential for transformation. It is the disease and the cure. It can destroy us completely and take us beyond our illusory self back to the true self.

Heal from Wetiko

It hijacks our system and uses our creativity to allow us to create it. If we don’t recognize it, we are unaware of its problem and slumber away. If we deny or suppress it, do no shadow work, do not explore it and turn our attention only to the good according to New (C)age (“Spiritual Bypassing”)23 , our ignorance will take revenge and play into Wetiko’s cards. We experience it as evil par excellence, as an overpowering or insurmountable enemy, until the evil spell no longer works and our warrior awakens. His threat forces us to take our true self as the only impregnable bastion and reclaim our attention and creativity. By realizing that we can overcome it, we discover the cure that only confrontation with it has uncovered.

Without our consent, Wetiko can do nothing. It lives parasitically from us and whispers its lies and deceptions into our minds. As a non-physical hyperdimensional entity, the mental and astral fields are its playgrounds. It creates artificial insatiable needs there, tries to sedate and entangle us.

Between enslavement and self-empowerment

Wetiko needs a certain degree of unconsciousness in the host. If we were fully conscious, we would expose Wetiko, just as the Buddha exposed Mara with each new attempt at attack.24 Wetiko specifically attacks our weaknesses and uses them as points of assault. It taps into our belief and value system and checks our level of misidentification.

“The possibilities of the archetype, in good as in evil, exceed our human capacities many times over, and man can succumb to their power only by identifying himself with the demon, when he allows himself to be occupied by it and thus forfeits his own humanity. “25

Wetiko wants us to unconsciously project it into the world through its filters. If, on the other hand, we look at these filters directly, we expose it. When the enemy is closest, it is easiest to see! We can use this. Here the awakening and transformation potential of the adversary is revealed. Instead of reacting blindly and unconsciously, we can recognize where our blind and wounded points are and heal them.

We can compare it to a soccer game. If Wetiko wants to fight you, don’t go into a bloody street fight with it! Don’t fight Wetiko as a separated self. That is its territory! Invite Wetiko to a game in your home stadium, that is in the presence of the true self and watch Wetiko. It will show you your weak points, like open energetic portals, through which it tries to penetrate you and degrade you into a separated self. These attacks are important. Every liberated being has gone through this. Fight Wetiko without fighting, fight Wetiko by looking at it and separating yourself from its energetic shackles. Even the best salesman in the world needs someone to buy. Don’t be that one! We are starving Wetiko.

Wetiko is the awakening mechanism of the universe. Attacked by the mind-virus, we have only two choices: Suffer and remain victims of this virus or get transformed. By finding its weak point, which is our true self, we turn the tables. Without us, it can do nothing. It does not even exist without us! We, on the other hand, do just fine without it. It challenges us to ask the most important question of life: Who am I? Only an imagined separated self can be defeated by an imagined mind-virus. The true self is the source of the mind and thus immune to mind attacks. So if Wetiko attacks you, it is a good sign. You are on the right path! You can’t stop its attacks directly, but you can stop supporting them and believing in its imaginary power. So check which I is threatened by Wetiko. With these question, we weaken Wetiko by dismantling our belief in a false identity and blossoming in what remains. We defeat evil not by fighting it, but by getting in touch with the part of us that is invulnerable to its effects. Our true self is Wetiko’s kryptonite!

Enough is enough!

Start with the “great work”26 Heal your traumas and dispel the parasite from your mind. Explore your shadow! Correct your belief system! Close the portals! Learn meditation! There is objective truth out there! Learn to distinguish between right and wrong! Your mind is the instrument that is capable of this realization. If you are afraid of the truth and live on lies like Wetiko, you need to make sure that the mind of your prey is not able to distinguish. Do a reset! To calibrate the mind to normal-zero means to withdraw it from everything that does not remain as natural truth: “Cogito ergo sum27” describes this basic impregnable truth. In the common translation “I think, therefore I am!” the truth is distorted. Correct is: “I perceive/perception happens, therefore I am!” You, as the true self, are the being and using the mind. If you are not using your mind, someone else does. Begin an inventory and everything that carries Wetiko’s signature, you radically throw overboard and no longer nourish it! Align yourself with truth and make it your highest, if not only principle! Be incorruptible! To hurl the truth against a parasite who lives on lie and deceit and not to leave it anymore, is a clear alignment to what you are and want. Not to believe a word more to an enemy who abuses your spirit is the least and separates the lie from the truth. The mind in itself is innocent, it is only occupied. Learn to think and feel healthy again! Heal your infected brain!28 Be ready to stand up for truth and freedom and if necessary to pay the price for it. Do not make any more dirty deals! From now on, don’t invest a dime in lying. Benjamin Franklin29 taught that those who give up freedom to gain security will soon have neither. Perhaps there is a decision in your life right now that suggests freedom and offers security? Start shouting no and express your will! It is time to teach the enemy to fear.



Translated from german grateful with deepl.com


1 Jack D. Forbes: „Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wétiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism and Terrorism“, New York, Seven Stories Press, 2008, S. XV

2 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil“, Quest magazine, Vol.102, No. 4, 2014: https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/3472 abgerufen am 30.09.2021

3 Paul Levy: „Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus“ https://www.awakeninthedream.com/articles/covid-19-wetiko abgerufen am 30.09.2021

4 Jack D. Forbes: „A World Ruled By Cannibals“, University Press pre-print, 1979

5 Jack D. Forbes: „Columbus and other cannibals: The Wétiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism“, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2008, S. 24

6 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil“, Quest magazine, ebenda

7 Jack D. Forbes: „Columbus and other cannibals: The Wétiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism“, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2008, S. 73

8 ebenda S. 46

9 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil“, Quest magazine

10 Der Begriff Geist im Artikel hier synonym zum engl „mind“ gebraucht, was neben dem Verstand auch die Gefühle umfasst und nicht den „spirit“, hier Seele, meint!

11 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil“, Quest magazine

12 abgeleitet von Mercurius: die vielseitige, trügerische Gottheit

13 Paul Levy: „The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis“, AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, 2006

14 Paul Levy: „Awakened by darkness“, Awaken in the Dream Publishing, Portland, OR, 2015, S. xxiii

15 ebenda, S. 245

16 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko-Breaking the curse of evil“, North atlantic books, Berkley, CA, 2013, S. 26

17 Anm.: aus dem Engl. Live rückwärts eviL!

18 Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Mephistoteles in „Faust I, Werke“ – Hamburger Ausgabe Bd. 3, Dramatische Dichtungen I, 11. Aufl. München: dtv, 1982, S. 47, Studierzimmer, 1334-1336,

19 Gerd Lüdemann und Martina Janßen: „Bibel der Häretiker: Die gnostischen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi“, Radius Verlag, Stuttgart, 1997

20 C.G. Jung: „The Practice of Psychotherapy“, CW 16, Princeton University Press, 1975, para. S. 442

21 „Heißt du etwa Rumpelstilzchen? Das hat dir der Teufel gesagt! schrie das Männchen, lief zornig fort und kam nimmermehr wieder.“ aus Grimms Märchen, Lechner Publishing LtdLimasoul 1998, ISBN-3-85049-115-3, S. 221

22 Paul Levy: „Dispelling Wetiko-Breaking the curse of evil“, ebenda, S. 194

25 C.G. Jung: „Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 4: Freud and Psychoanalysis“ ‎Princeton University Press, 1961 , CW 4, para. 744.

26 Die heilige oder große Arbeit bezeichnet die notwendigen Schritte auf dem Weg zur Erleuchtung oder Befreiung

27 René Descartes: Meditationes de prima philosophia (1641)

29 Einer der Gründerväter der Vereinigten Staaten; beteiligt am Entwurf der Unabhängigkeitserklärung

Hinweis: Alle auf meinen Seiten veröffentlichten Texte wurden von mir verfasst, sofern nicht explizit auf eine externe Quelle verwiesen wurde und haben keinen Anspruch auf umfassende Darstellung. Sie enthalten lediglich meine persönliche Meinung zu den dargestellten Themen. Alle vorgestellten Methoden beruhen auf naturheilkundlicher Erfahrungsmedizin und haben keinerlei Anspruch auf wissenschaftliche Korrektheit. Ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass sich die schulmedizinische Lehrmeinung von meinen Darstellungen unterscheiden kann!
